The benefits of avocado leaf for health is to dissolve kidney stones and treat back pain. How to consume fairly simple that is made herbal tea with boiled some time with hot water.
Leaf avocado pain medication is a legacy of ancestors that have been proven efficacy since the first. The content of natural substances useful in a leaf is not lost even though eroded the progress of the age.
Avocado plants come from Central America, all parts of this plant has tremendous benefits ranging from fruit, leaves, and fruit seeds.
Tea leaves avocado painkill medicine
In addition to the fruit is widely consumed in various forms of processed drinks or food, avocado leaves can also be processed into herbal tea drinks.
Benefits of avocado leaf tea is not kidding, for people with stone urine consumption of this herbal tea is useful to shed kidney stones.
As for those of you who experience health problems at the waist, avocado leaf herbal tea can be a safe and potent herbal medicine as long as it is drunk according to the rules.
There are so many types of traditional herbal remedies that can be made at home without special equipment. Let's say the breadfruit leaves are processed into nutritious tea for gout, heart, diabetes and liver disease. The key is to pay attention to how to process and drink rules as directed.
The Benefits Of Avocado And How To Make It Work
Healthy benefits of avocado leaf as a medicine for back pain and kidney stones can be felt by cultivating it into an herbal drink.
How to make avocado leaf herbal tea:
1. Provide some leaves that are still fresh, clean, and not hollow.
2. Wash until the dirt on the surface is completely lost.
3. Boil two glasses of water, insert the avocado leaf into it. Wait for a while to boil.
4. Lift and let stand until the cooking water is warm.
Tea leaves avocado
Drinking rules or how to consume:
• Drink avocado leaf water twice a day ie morning and evening.
• Drink regularly for a week Inshallah you will feel a change in your health condition and sickness suffered gradually healed.
It is true the benefits of avocado leaf can be a sore medicine and shed kidney stones. But you need to note, the drug is only a healing medium. The intentions and determination that are unanimously accompanied by prayers to the Almighty are more valuable than any medicine.
Especially for those of you who want to feel the extraordinary benefits of natural ingredients but do not have the free time to process yourself, you can buy herbal products that have been packaged. Modern packaging process does not reduce the properties in the material.