Wrinkles on the face are commonly experienced by women and
men at the age of 30 years and over. Even as the development of age and life
patterns are increasingly unknown, young age is often also experienced this
skin problem. Facial areas that often appear wrinkles between the forehead, under
the eyes, and around the area of the mouth.
How to remove wrinkles on the face can be done with a simple
natural method.
Starting from observing the pattern of everyday life,
eliminating habits that can trigger the emergence of skin problems and the use
of natural ingredients such as fruit, vegetables and spices as a traditional
face mask.
Skin care using special facial creams, beauty serum and
consumption of drugs or vitamins aimed at providing nutrients to skin cells
increasingly commonly used. This is certainly not prohibited, provided that
these products have been through the process of examination of the POM. The
goal is for consumers or buyers that you, get security guarantees from the
What are the Causes of Wrinkles on Your Beautiful Face?
Although the factor of age is an indispensable primary
trigger, there are several factors that can accelerate the aging process of the
skin. These include:
• Smoking: bad habits this one is obviously can accelerate
the appearance of wrinkles on a person's face. Why is that? Because nicotine in
cigarettes causes the process of draining blood to the skin becomes inhibited.
As a result facial skin lacks essential nutrients for cell regeneration so
wrinkles under the eyes, forehead and around the mouth can appear quickly.
• Heredity factors: in certain people, signs of aging appear
earlier because of inheritance or offspring. It is difficult to overcome, but
regular skin care can menutrisi skin cells that inhibit the formation of
• Free radicals: collagen damage due to free radicals would
be very dangerous to your skin health. Especially if this free radical exposure
takes place continuously, then the skin will experience damage and drought.
• Weight loss dramatically: logically, when the fat content
disappears suddenly, the skin will experience unfavorable conditions that are
sagging and dull
• Exposure to sunlight: A ultraviolet light can easily
penetrate the skin's collagen layer. When collagen is damaged, the skin will
lose its protector. Try to use lotion or sunscreen if you often linger outdoor
• Inadequate nutrition intake: consumption of foods that
contain lots of vitamin E and iron is very helpful to maintain skin health from
within. Fruits and vegetables are the most complete ingredients of vitamins and
minerals for the skin.
What To Do To Prevent Smooth Lines And Wrinkles Appears
Notice your lifestyle
Running a healthy lifestyle is highly recommended by an
obstetrician. Not only is it good to keep skin bright and supple, but it is
also useful to prevent you from various health problems.
A simple example of a healthy lifestyle is: stop smoking,
enough sleep, as much as possible avoid stress and multiply laugh.
Use sunscreen
Sunlight is the number one cause of wrinkles appearing on
the face. The use of sunscreen cream can also prevent dangerous skin diseases
such as skin cancer.
Make sure to wear sunscreen that fits or matches your skin
type every time you travel or activity during hot weather conditions.
Do not wash your face too often
According to a dermatologist, washing the face too often
will remove the natural moisture and oils that protect the skin from wrinkling
Facial cream to remove wrinkles
Choose a face cream that contains Alpha-hydroxy Acid (AHA),
Retinoids, and Vitamin C to prevent and eliminate wrinkles.
AHA is useful to help the production of collagen, reduce
fine lines and remove dead skin cells. Retinoids (including Retin A) are a
natural form of vitamin A used to treat wrinkles. Vitamin C protects facial
skin from the dangers of UV A and UV B rays, overcomes pigmentation problems,
and improves damaged skin conditions.
Expand the consumption of these foods
Salmon is rich in protein and omega-3 is nutritious healthy
skin from the inside. Supplements of soy beans are useful for improving the
structure and strength of the skin. Cocoa or dark chocolate will protect the
skin from the dangers of sunlight, increase the regeneration of skin cells, and
make skin look softer. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that
reduce the effects of free radicals, making skin always fresh and radiant.
How To Eliminate Wrinkles On The Face Using Natural
Honey Mask
It's no secret if honey has a myriad of benefits for beauty.
This is not separated from the natural mineral content in it that is able to
provide essential nutrient intake for skin health including eliminating fine
lines of signs of aging.
How to use it fairly easy: wash your pretty face with clean
water, then pour honey into a spoon to taste. Panasi spoon for a while. Once
warm, apply on the area under the eyes, forehead and other areas that you want.
Let stand for a few hours for honey nutrients can be
absorbed maximally. Rinse with cold water and do it regularly every day.
A mixture of Olive Oil and Lemon
Olive oil can help provide natural moisture to the skin.
Rich in vitamin C, D, E, antioxidants and iron are useful for regenerating skin
cells. While the lemon makes the skin brighter and luminous. The use of a mask
from a mixture of these two natural ingredients will help reduce wrinkles on
the face.
Bananas and Cucumbers
Bananas can be a cheap and safe anti-wrinkle cream used for
all skin types. Destroy one banana (can use a blender) until it becomes
porridge, then apply it to the entire area of the face.
Similar to bananas, cucumber vegetables are also useful for
diminishing wrinkles on the face. Another benefit of using a cucumber mask is
to soften and refresh the skin naturally.
Pure Coconut Oil
Pure coconut oil (Virgin coconut oil) can treat dry skin
causes wrinkles appear. Apply to the face area where there are signs of aging
in the form of fine lines while massaging slowly. Let stand a few moments
before rinsed with clean water.
Tomato and Pineapple
Tomatoes are an effective ingredient for removing wrinkles
when mixed with honey. You can destroy the tomatoes manually or blend into
porridge then add honey to taste.
The use of pineapple is slightly different from other
ingredients. You can cut the thin pineapple fruit, then paste in the area of
the mouth, forehead and other faces that contain fine wrinkles. Once dry,
clean the face with cold water.
Watermelon skin
The inner white watermelon skin has the benefit of
maintaining skin moisture and disguising fine lines of aging. Before rubbing into
the face area, wash it first using running water.
That's the natural ingredients that can be used to remove
wrinkles on the face. Usage can be alternated according to your individual
taste. Especially for those of you who do not have a lot of free time, the use
of anti-wrinkle cream, beauty serum and special vitamins can be a wise choice
if you want quick results and time efficiency.