Healthy Sleep Patterns For Fresh Body Fit When Awake Morning

You know that healthy, good and quality sleep is very important to maintain mental and physical health. Night breaks are not just about seven to nine hours a day. Effective ways and patterns of sleep have better quality than the number of numbers that is seven to nine hours.

Healthy tips before going to bed tonight to wake up in a state of freshness is very helpful in sustaining activities all day. The question is, do you really sleep well? What if you work night shift? Should your sleep patterns be the same as others?

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Unhealthy sleep patterns can cause body aches when awakened

As one of the human needs to survive, falling asleep is a daily routine that can not be eliminated. Maybe under some extreme circumstances, you can not keep your eyes closed for 24 hours or even more. But the connection in normal conditions, sleep quality is very important for the function of organs in the human body.

What Is a Healthy Sleep Pattern?
In medical terms, a healthy sleeping pattern is called sleep hygiene which refers to a set of habits and rituals that can increase your ability to fall asleep quickly and fall asleep soundly within a certain period of time.

Healthy sleep habits are the cornerstone of cognitive behavioral therapy, the most effective long-term treatment for someone suffering from insomnia.

So, how to know someone is already running a healthy sleep pattern or not?

• When you are lying down and getting ready for bed, within 15 - 20 minutes you are asleep.
• From 24 hours a day, you get 7 to 9 hours of sleep.
• You fall asleep soundly and soundly, not easily awakened in the middle of sleep.
• The person sleeping next to you does not notice strange behaviors such as snoring, delirium, breathing stops in a few moments or signs of nightmares.
• When you wake up, you will feel the body becomes fresh fit ready berkativitas as if already in charge.
• When you wake up, the body is not achy, the head is not dizzy and there is no very drowsiness.

If you have the characteristics or criteria of healthy sleep above, you can be heartened and continue. But if not, it means there is something wrong in your sleep patterns.

Know that quality sleep is one of the healthy lifestyle that can make younger. Because the anti-aging hormone known as DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is produced by the body when you fall asleep.

Healthy Sleep Tips Qualified In The Right Way

1. Set a sleep schedule
The fastest, most powerful, and proven way to sleep is to hold on to the bedtime schedule and wake up at the same time, even on holidays. This method is useful for organizing your 'body clock' so that it automatically 'runs' when the time comes.

2. Special ritual before bed
Begin running a simple routine before lying on the mattress, let's just drink milk, water, wash and clean the face, wear face cream and so forth.

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Avoid thinking of something that can provoke emotions such as joy, sadness, stress or anxiety because it can make it harder to sleep. Calm the mind, relax, relax and empty your mind to enter the beautiful dream world.

3. Bed only for sleeping
For those of you who still often use the bed to perform activities such as playing laptops, smartphones or even eat food, you should immediately stop. Use a mattress just as a bed to get your brain accustomed to more quickly drowsy and then fall asleep.

4. Make the atmosphere of the bedroom as comfortable as possible
Keep your bedroom temperature cool between 19-21 degrees, dark and quiet. For those of you who can not sleep in dark conditions, use a dim light or use a lampshade to light not too bright.

5. Move the body in the afternoon
Moving the body is not only important for physical health, but also beneficial for getting healthy sleep at night. Do not have to exercise hard, you can do light activities that can make the body move let's just clean up the house, walk and run around the neighborhood. By moving, the body will feel tired and more easily sleep at night.

6. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine before bed
Surely you already understand if caffeine is very influential on the quality of sleep. Avoid consuming coffee, tea, chocolate and cola because it contains caffeine.

7. Lie in bed when it is really sleepy
Forcing yourself to fall asleep is the wrong and frustrating way. If you do not fall asleep after 20 minutes lying down, get out of bed and go to another room. Do something casual like reading or listening to music until you really feel sleepy.

Bonus Tips: Overcoming Hard Sleep Habits Until Morning
For some people, a regular sleep schedule is very important. If missed then they will be hard asleep until midnight. Or even until the morning.

Perhaps because of work, certain activities (staying up) or too many thoughts that make not sleep until morning. Many people (including myself) often experience it. And worse, it can happen for a few days or even weeks.

To restore the original sleep schedule, you can do the following simple tips.

When the lack of sleep at night you must feel weak, not excited and less powerful to run activities in the morning. And the first idea that comes up is 'pay' for lack of sleep at night by sleeping during the day.

But if you want to restore the sleep schedule to the original time, do not sleep during the day!

Do as much activity as possible so that the body feel tired and you have to survive 'literate' until the afternoon. As much as possible do not drink coffee at night. This will make you sleepy and easy to fall asleep at night. And the next day you can fall asleep on schedule or bedtime should be.