Eliminate Acne Blackout With Honey

Honey is one type of herbal ingredients that can remove acne scars in the form of black spots. Efficacy of this natural ingredients to care for beauty has been proven through modern research. In fact, honey contains anti-bacterial and antioxidants that are useful to remove black stains acne scars.

The main efficacy of honey for acne scars is to improve by nourishing skin cells damaged by bacteria and free radicals. How to wear it is also easy, simply by making a simple facial mask and in a few days black spots will disappear naturally.

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Face damaged by acne can be treated with the efficacy of honey

Usefulness of honey as a mask to remove acne scars sourced from the content of antioxidants in it. While the anti-bacterial substances on the honey play an important role to prevent stubborn acne that will reappear.

Blackened acne scarring occurs due to damage to skin cells. If left, the cell regeneration process will run long and even potentially permanent damage to the area. This is where the important role of the benefits of honey mask, namely as a natural face mask that becomes the source of nutrients needed by the skin so that the process of lifting dead skin cells (damaged) and the emergence of new skin cells can take place more quickly ..

In addition to useful to remove black acne scars, honey properties for the face is as a natural moisturizer (on dry skin types), cleanser (cleanser), and slow the appearance of signs of aging like black spots, wrinkles or dull color (uneven) You.

Like other important organs, facial skin also requires special care and nutritional intake. If these nutrients can be obtained optimally, then the risk of facial skin damaged due to stubborn acne that left marks in the form of black spots can not be avoided. Skin problems that interfere with your beautiful appearance such as dry, dull, oily or rough will move away by itself.

Generally acne appears due to lack of attention to the face. Lazy wash your face, improperly cleaned makeup, allergic factors, and gross environmental factors. Use of a cleanser is highly recommended for those who often wear thick makeup. The goal is that the chemicals contained in the makeup can be cleaned perfectly.

The simplest step to prevent the appearance of acne is diligent face wash. Although many who underestimate, wash your face regularly proven to remove dirt that has the potential to cause acne-causing bacteria.

Then diligently hand washing with soap. This is a great cheap tips to prevent bacteria, germs and dirt causing acne due to clogged pores of the skin. Of course you are aware if the palm of the hand is the best medium of conducting germs among other body parts.

Come on! get used to wash hands often and try to use soap so that germs and bacteria do not stick sticky on your pretty face.

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Processing Honey into a Mask To Eliminate Acne Scars

1. Start by washing your face with clean water, dry with a towel or cloth.
2. Prepare a spoon of honey (or adjust to the needs).
3. Arrange with candles or matches until the foam exits.
4. Let stand a few moments until it is not too hot (warm).
5. Apply gently to the area of ​​the existing face black stain acne scars.
6. Wait for 30-60 minutes for the nutrients in honey can be absorbed by skin cells.
7. Then wipe your pretty face with warm water.
8. Do the above on a regular basis until black spots fade by itself.
9. Alternatively, apply warm honey at bedtime. Let stand until morning as a night cream, then wash your face with cold water after waking up.

Use of honey as a face mask to remove black acne scars can be seen in a few weeks or even just a matter of days. The duration of the healing process of skin cells damaged due to acne depends on the skin health conditions of each person, the intensity of the use of honey mask, and special treatment of facial skin.